Take charge of your separation and divorce education. 

Educational workshops, self-paced online courses and webinars will help you learn in-depth and objectively about legal, financial and emotional topics related to separation and divorce.

One of the most important aspects of the process is self-advocacy. Being prepared, knowledgeable and confident will help you to be your own best advocate. While your attorney and other professionals will protect your interests and help meet your goals, it is still your responsibility to provide the information needed, participate in negotiations, be a good client, and decide what is ultimately best for you and your family.

Divorce University™ Online Library

Courses are self-paced and can be viewed for up to 14 days on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Always prepare yourself for whatever legal obstacle you see coming. The better prepared you are, the more likely you are to understand the legal complexities of certain divorce issues, making the process faster and less stressful. 

When it comes to protecting yourself in a divorce and looking out for your own interests, it is important that you know what those interests are. Think long and hard about what is most important to you in your divorce and be realistic about compromise. Divorce is a negotiation (as most divorce cases are settled outside of court) and choosing your battles wisely can go a long way in getting you the results you need so you can move on with your life.